Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid, by Marianne Cusato

Richard Sammons used his rich background in traditional period design and his expertise in architectural proportion to contribute to “Get Your House Right”, written by Marianne Cusato, creator of the award winning Katrina Cottages, with Ben Pentreath and Leon Krier. HRH, The Prince of Wales wrote the foreword to this excellent resource for anyone, layperson or professional who wants to design, build or live in a traditionally designed house. This is a guide through the do’s and don’ts of house design. Even as over-sized McMansions continue to elbow their way into tiny lots nationwide, a much different trend has taken shape. This return to traditional architectural principles venerates qualities that once were taken for granted in home design: structural common sense, aesthetics of form, appropriateness to a neighborhood, and even sustainability. Marianne Cusato, creator of the award-winning Katrina Cottages, has authored and illustrated this definitive guide to what makes houses look and feel right—to the eye and to the soul. She teaches us the language and grammar of classical architecture, revealing how balance, harmony, and detail all contribute to creating a home that will be loved rather than tolerated. And she takes us through the do’s and don’ts of every element of home design, from dormers to doorways to columns. Integral to the book are its hundreds of elegant line drawings—clearly rendering the varieties of lintels and cornices, arches and eaves, and displaying “avoid” and “use” versions of the same elements side by side.

Click here to purchase the book from Amazon

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